Is it Art? – Statement lecture at the departement for site-specific art at the University for Applied Arts Vienna
On Thursday 18th of January 2024 at 2pm, Raumstation Wien is giving a lecture at Paulusplatz 5, Seminarraum 2. Stock 1030 Wien
von Kollektiv Raumstation
Projektbeschreibung: Is it Art? – Statement lecture at the departement for site-specific art at the University for Applied Arts Vienna
We are looking forward to see you there! 🙂
The lecture will be held in english.
Our practice is grounded in the different backgrounds and interests of our members – architecture, urbanism, humanities, theatre, and science. Together, we look at public and private spaces. We are interested in the underlying assumptions, social rules, and political decisions shaping these spaces and ask: Who is this space for? Which different everyday lives are taking place here? Are they welcome? Who owns the city? And who could be part of its transformation?