(Mapping Althangrund)

Mapping Althangrund

Join our workshop at Vienna Architecture Summer School from 2 to 9 September 2023!

von Raumstation Wien, Raumstation Weimar


  • workshop
  • critical
  • collaborative
  • mapping

Projektbeschreibung: Mapping Althangrund

From everyday navigation with Google Maps to technical foundations for architecture and urban planning and visualisation of  scientific data to disputes over political borders: maps shape our lives  in many ways. Maps, however, are not simply a neutral „image“ of spaces; conversely, spaces are produced just as much by maps. Maps are  therefore always political.

You are warmly invited to discuss, research, explore and learn new things about the Althangrund with us. In doing so, we will address aspects that are often not part of „classic“ maps personal experiences and subjective perceptions ,or feministl questions. We focus on mapping as a (collective) process as well as on the map as a visual product and  object of use and use different media.

MAPPING ALTHANGRUND:  A critical and collaborative exploration

Workshop by Kollektiv Raumstation at Vienna Architecture Summer School
02.-10.09.2023 @ Kulturzentrum Althangrund, Vienna

Application is open until 31 July 2023.

More infos and application: https://viennaarchitecturesummerschool.com



  • Raumstation Wien
  • Raumstation Weimar